
IIC Quarterly: South Asia's Sporting Mosaic

Ronojoy Sen, Omita Goyal (Editors) | Published By: India International Centre, New Delhi

The articles in this volume touch on the problems that confront the sports scenario in the region as a whole, be it corruption, faulty policies, lack of adequate financing, among several other challenges. the most significant obstacle is lack of state support. While the volume does not claim to be a definitive account of sports in South Asia, its uniqueness lies in the fact that along with papers on professional sport, it includes personal narratives that make the game come alive. Winter 2017–Spring 2018 Volume 44, Numbers 3 & 4 India International Centre Quarterly is printed and published by Rohit Khera for india international centre, 40, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi 110 003 Price: ` 250


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